Winstrol Prestige Pharma




Winstrol Prestige Pharma

The properties of this steroid are multiple and useful not only in sports, where it is used most often, but also in medicine. After all, Winstrol is an almost ideal drug for therapy and recovery of weakened patients after injuries, surgeries or burns. It tangibly increases the body’s resistance, appetite, strength, endurance and strengthens the immune system.

However, this steroid can be used for other purposes as well. More specifically, in medicine Winstrol is often used for the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics, for example, when it is necessary to normalise the growth of body hair or affect the growth of genitals.

The drug is also prescribed during substitution therapy, when it is necessary to simulate the work of sex hormones. It is known that the lack of the male sex hormone testosterone can lead to quite serious consequences: insufficient protein production, premature breakdown of protein, testicular atrophy, etc. Taking Winstrol will help to cope with this problem and fight the symptoms and causes of abnormalities in the male organism.

But this drug has two very serious disadvantages. Firstly, you can buy Winstrol, even for medical purposes, only on the Internet (in fact, it is not such a problem at the moment, because a reliable online pharmacology shop provides quality guarantees, favourable price and delivery for all drugs). Secondly, side effects may occur during the use of this anabolic. The most common side effects of Winstrol are joint pain, increased blood pressure, increased cholesterol levels, etc. So, before taking the drug, we strongly recommend you to visit your doctor in order to clarify the dosages and in general to make a proper therapeutic course.

Additional information

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 compressed, mg



Prestige Pharma


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