Spectrum Pharma Stromba Aqua 50




Spectrum Pharma Stromba Aqua 50

Chinese Spectrum Pharmaceuticals has established itself on the sports pharmacology market with the best side. Its products are in demand and popular with many bodybuilders and weightlifters. Most of them noted the excellent quality and effectiveness of the drugs, and especially stanozolol. Therefore, there are always a lot of people willing to buy Spectrum Stanozolol Suspension.

The active component of the anabolic is winstrol. The substance has a significant anabolic index and a weak androgenic effect. This structure allows girls to calmly use AAS, without fear for their health. It is instantly activated in the body, and its half-life is 4-5 hours. Because of this, you have to make injections quite often. And the affordable price of Spectrum Stanozolol Suspension maximally disposes to this.

Produced anabolic in injectable form – ampoules of 1ml of 50mg of substance. It has a moderate toxicity on the liver. Other side effects are manifested in individual reactions or failure to comply with the scheme of reception. AAS is not flavoured. After the end of the course, it is necessary to undergo a restorative SCT.

Effects of Spectrum Stanozolol Suspension

Anabolik has a lot of positive properties. Especially athletes emphasise its speed – soon after the start of intake you can already notice a good result. In addition, the gained muscle volume will be retained even after leaving the course. Actually, this is the reason for the cost of Spectrum Stanozolol Suspension. In particular, when taking the steroid, you can notice such effects:

dry muscle volume builds up;

increases the stiffness and relief of muscles;
strength characteristics increase;
appetite improves;
fat deposits are burnt;
eliminates fluid from the body.

Additional information

substance active


Amount of substance, mg


formulaire de discharge


1 bottle, ml


Packages by package, pcs



Specter pharmaceutics


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